Once upon a time, the ElfQuest National Fan Club spawned fandom chapters all over the world. These chapters, or Holts as they were called, gave fans of the popular comic by Wendy and Richard Pini a place to flex their creative wings and join in the fun by creating their own characters and situations. Some gathered together merely as a group of friends to discuss each new issue as it was released, while other Holts produced newsletters containing the art and stories centered upon their own involvement in the World of Two Moons. The Timber Valley Holt was one such group. It operated between 1984-1990, headed primarily by Ted Blasingame, and grew to a membership of 60+ members by the time it had reached the end of its run. The purpose of this archival website is to profile the characters and stories from the Timber Valley Holt into an updated Internet format. The stories from its twenty-one quarterly issues have been transcribed from the original digest-size newsletters and are now presented here in chronological order. Feel free to look around and enjoy the tales of the Timber Valley Holt. ~ Ted R. Blasingame |
• Tales of the Storyteller | • Character List | |
• Area Maps | • Original Members | |
• Newsletters | • Timeline | |
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• Guest Book | • Site Updates |
Timber Valley Holt ©1984-2005 Ted Blasingame. "Two Star the Storyteller" - a commission by Terrie Smith © 1988 Timber Valley was an original chapter of the ElfQuest National Fan Club. ElfQuest copyright © 2004 WaRP Graphics, Inc. ElfQuest, its logos, characters, situations, all related indicia, and their distinctive likenesses are trademarks of Warp Graphics, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. |