Character Name: Goldenbraid
CREATOR / CREATIVE CONTROL: Non-Persona Character SOUL NAME: Aura GENDER: female BORN: DF-138 Summer EYES: deep blue HAIR: sunny gold, usually tied in a single braid that hangs almost to her waist. HEIGHT: 4'1" SKILLS: counselor, herbalist, gardener MAGICAL TALENT: sending, healing PREFERRED WEAPONS: gardening knife, short sword
MATE(s): Two Star (Recognized) CHILDREN: Sandstorm FATHER: Chestnut (d) MOTHER: Glistenfire (d) SIBLING(s): Larkspur, half-sister. OTHER RELATIVES: --
CLOTHING DESCRIPTION: Light blue, short sleeved, hapi-coat-styled robe that hangs to just above knees and tied with a dark blue cloth belt. Underneath she wears a light blue loin cloth. Dark blue moccasins. Small gold earrings with a tiny hummingbird feather hanging from each.
PERSONALITY DESCRIPTION: A very kind person to all : elves, humans, trolls and animals. She has an abundance of patience and sympathy and can often be seen counseling others about their problems.
OTHER INFORMATION: Goldenbraid takes her position as a healer very seriously and she tries to teach simple non-magical mending techniques to others in case a healer isn't around to help. She knows a lot of herbal lore and makes occasional trips to the Upper World for certain rare herbs that don't grow in the valley. She is a healer, not a fighter, and rarely hunts, either. She would do anything for anyone, providing it doesn't go against the common laws of the tribe, or common sense. She was born outside of Recognition, but her healing powers are quite strong, which puzzles many. She loves the children and often teases them playfully. She is also still quite in love with Two Star. Her mother Glistenfire died in the Death Flood while out searching for Chestnut, who had been missing for some time. It was later discovered that Chestnut had wandered outside the valley, where he later fathered a daughter named Larkspur. When Larkspur arrived wounded in the valley, Goldenbraid discovered their kinship through a deep healing. She was broken-hearted when Larkspur departed, hoping they will one day be reunited. |