Character Name: Mooncrest




GENDER: male

BORN: DF-31 Spring

EYES: reddish brown, very expressive

HAIR: soft chocolate brown, looks perpetually windblown and hangs to shoulder blades with a bound lock of hair in front of each ear

HEIGHT: 4'1"

SKILLS: hunting, fishing, rope making


PREFERRED WEAPONS: large, wide double-edged sword / throwing dagger / sling and stone


MATE(s): Wildwood (Recognized), Nightway

CHILDREN: Random, son. Whisperswift, daughter.

FATHER: Silverhair

MOTHER: Dewdrop (d)

SIBLING(s): Twilight (later renamed Twilight)

OTHER RELATIVES: Teal, niece. Squirrel, nephew.


CLOTHING DESCRIPTION: Light blue, long-sleeved cross-over shirt, light grey vest with white rabbit fur trim.  Tan pants tucked into soft-sided, calf-high boots. Black belt with simple metal buckle (made by the local trolls). He wears no other jewelry.  In the winter, replace the vest with a long fur coat with deep hood, plus some soft leather gloves.


PERSONALITY DESCRIPTION: Mooncrest is openly friendly with everyone, until someone tries to talk him into going outside of the Valley. He no longer gets angry if anyone else wants to go, but he harbors no love for the Upper World. He can be as stubborn as a rock if his mind gets set on something, but he tends to bend easily on matters not so important. He laughs easily and his eyes sparkle when a bit of mischief strikes him.


OTHER INFORMATION: Affectionately known as the "Keeper of the Valley". He is close to nature and can read its subtle signs rather accurately. He has a fear of wide open spaces and never ventures out of the Valley. In times past, he was quite the prankster, but his years of fatherhood have settled him down. He still has a streak of mischief in him, but responsibility usually keeps his activities light. He is fluent in the humans' tongue and often makes bartering trips to the village of the Ke L'Rhatan. He has often been a playmate to the human children and the younger adults of that tribe have come to trust him. In recent years he has provided more for the holt by fishing in the lake than he did as a hunter and spends many hours at the water's edge with Stormer, Nightway or Random.


Mooncrest's family is a bit of an oddity. He and Wildwood are the parents of the tribe's only known set of twins, and with his lifemating with Nightway, they form the only multi-bonding in recent history. Mooncrest plays no favorites and loves both equally. When Wildwood became Mooncrest's other lifemate because of the kids, Grassy was invited to continue his relationship with Wildwood. Though no actual conscious decision was ever made, he eventually became part of the family. The family is actually a bond of four adults, with each of the males interchangeable with the females, and the twins' looking to all of them as their family. The children look to Mooncrest as their father, Wildwood and Nightway both as their mothers, and Grassy as an uncle.