— by Jeff Karamales

Chapter 18

Elias sat down in the pilot’s chair and assimilated what Captain Sinclair had just told him. It was a bit of a shock, but in a way it made a great deal of sense. It was also a very complicated and messy situation to consider.

  “I know you’re familiar with him, and that this is a rather touchy subject…” Merlin began.

  “Heh!” Elias snorted wryly. “It’s more than a little touchy. Especially when you consider that Mister Faltane has made it clear he has political aspirations. There isn’t a world or high profile organization he’s not associated with.” The fox shook his head before looking up at Merlin. “You’re sure about this? You could have made this easier by claiming the Alignment Under Secretary was planning on resurrecting the Hammerdine Project! But, Faltane? This is rather serious, Merlin.”

  The wolf nodded somberly. “It is. Just do yourself a favor. If you do find that Victor Faltane is involved in anything you encounter, be very careful. The man is dangerous beyond measure. I just wish I had more to give you than just my say so.”

  “It’s a place to start,” Elias said. “I might not like it, but I will check him out should the opportunity arise.”

  The two were silent for several long seconds when the DataComs each carried chimed almost simultaneously. They both looked at the messages, then each other.

  “It looks as if the ladies want to meet us for lunch,” Merlin said with a smile tugging the corners of his mouth.

  “And they are being rather firm in their dress-code requirements,” Elias responded. “It seems that in our present mode we’d be overdressed.”

  Merlin nodded. “Which, tells me that they must have been successful with their shopping expedition and want to show off a little for us?”

  Elias chuckled. “I don’t know how things stand between you and Samantha, but I tend to follow Cerise’s little instructions when I can.”

  “The foundation of a good marriage!” Merlin answered with a laugh.

  “It is,” the fox said with an emphatic nod. “That and the fact that she can shoot better than I can tends to make me listen.”

  The two went back to the resort, changed clothing and met Cerise and Samantha at the requested place and looked at each other with pleasant surprise. Sitting in lounge chairs on the aft deck of a sleek boat were the Border collie and vixen. The boat, Wayward Dream, was a modern looking cruiser with elegant lines and had the air that it was used to catering to well-to-do clients. The boat’s Captain and First Mate, both mice, were decked out in khaki shorts and sport shirts with the boat’s logo on the back, were busy making preparations for launch. A third mouse, maybe twelve or thirteen years old, appeared from below with a tray of drinks for the ladies, his gaze lingering on the two sunbathing forms he served. This didn’t go unnoticed by the Captain and as soon as the last of the trio retreated back into the cabin, Elias and Merlin clearly saw the youth sternly admonished, including a pinch to the ear to make sure proper attention was paid to the lecture.

  The two males stopped at the gangplank and waited for the disciplinary action to conclude before calling out, “Permission to come aboard!”

  The eldest of the mice, his light gray fur looked more silver in the bright sunlight, stepped out of the cabin and beamed at the two males. “You must be Captains Sinclair and Tivnan! Please, welcome aboard the Wayward Dream.”

  “Call us Merlin and Elias,” the wolf said gesturing to each of them so that the mouse knew who was who. “A vessel, no matter what, only ever has one Captain, and that isn’t us!”

  The mouse laughed richly and motioned the two canines on to the deck. “Well, it’s true that I’m the Dream’s Captain, but I’d prefer it if you called me Therin. My sons are my mates onboard.” He pointed to the next oldest mouse, maybe a lad of nineteen, “That would be Orin, my First Mate, and Tolly my youngest is down below.”

  The ladies joined the group, and it was all Elias could do to keep his eyes off of his wife.

  “Now then,” Therin said as he rubbed his hands together. “If you would like to make yourselves comfortable, we’ll be casting off soon. Once we’re out past the jetty I’ll have drinks brought out and then Orin’ll breakout the tackle. This is a bit different than most charter boats as what you catch will be cooked and served here onboard, and I’ve never disappointed a party by either bad fishing or bad cuisine! And anytime you want, you are more than welcome to join me up on the flying bridge. It’s truly a spectacular day, and there’s nothing like putting out to sea on a day like this!”

  The mouse’s enthusiastic nature was contagious, and the four did as suggested and gathered on the flying bridge. Following Cerise up the ladder gave Elias a chance to admire his wife’s newest outfit and he had to admit that he liked what he saw.

  Cerise had purchased a swimsuit that was a one-piece in concept, but did little to conceal her form. If anything it accentuated her body, and while she might not be as endowed as some females, she was lithe and curvaceous. The outfit was ‘V’ shaped, with the fabric being held in place by thin spaghetti straps that wrapped around her sides and hips. The cerulean color went well with her black fur, and the base of her tail was caught in a coil of silver wire that matched the one that held a lock of her lustrous hair close to her scalp. Around her waist was a sheer sarong of the same shade of blue as her swimsuit that flowed in the breeze but also clung to her hips and legs fetchingly when she walked.

  The effect was astonishing and enticing to say the least.

  Samantha wore a two-piece bathing suit of burgundy and gold print, also with matching sarong, and Elias wondered if he had the same silly look on his face that the wolf did when he looked at his companion.

  The trip was as good as the Captain promised. All four of the party got to reel in fish that were surprisingly strong. With silver scales on the bottom and a riot of colors on their backs, the mouse’s son told them what they were and how he would prepare them. Orin proved to be quite the chef. He prepared what they caught in the small but well stocked galley of the cruiser, seasoning the fish that were brought to him delicately and enhancing the unique flavor of each one the passengers pulled out of the water. Therin made sure that the outing was enjoyable, then kept them out on the water so the party could enjoy the spectacular kind of sunset that one can only see near, or on, the ocean, and the stars were well up when they made dock.

  Elias realized that the outing had enabled him to relax and really enjoy himself in a way that he hadn’t since he and the others had lifted from Dennier at the beginning of their cruise. Much of his enjoyment had to do with the company of Cerise, the confident Merlin Sinclair, and the engaging and warm demeanor of Samantha Holden.

  The dock was only a short walk from the hotel, and the quartet made their way back after thanking Captain Therin and his sons for a most enjoyable day, and promises that if they ever had the chance, they would certainly call upon him again. Then the two couples made their way along the beach to the resort they were staying at.

  “I would like to thank you all for a truly excellent day,” Elias said as they all walked barefoot in the soft, white sand.

  “It was rather good, wasn’t it?” Merlin asked.

  “I know that the scenery was quite remarkable!” the fox exclaimed with an exaggerated leer for both females.

  Cerise dropped her head and giggled in embarrassment considering they were in mixed company, while Samantha seemed to stand a little taller and tossed her head so that her hair flowed in the breeze fetchingly. “Yes, we were,” the collie agreed. She and the vixen had been admiring the males earlier when both had shucked their shirts while they fished, enjoying the sun that warmed their fur.

  The ladies had admitted that seeing their males so dressed had been a bit of a turn on, and were pleased that both seemed so genuinely fond of each other. The females already knew that they were friends and that their relationship would only get better each time they met, and were happy that Elias and Merlin had found in each other kindred souls.

  They all bantered with each other as they ambled to their lodgings. Then, in the dim light from the resort that cast dappled shadows on the sand, they all stopped.

  “Unfortunately this is where we have to leave you,” Merlin said to Cerise and Elias. “I have to get ready for launch and gather my crew for an early lift.” He turned to the fox and put forth his hand. “It has been a real pleasure and honor to meet you, Elias. I hope we can get together often in the future.”

  Elias took the hand and found the grip to be friendly and warm. “I feel the same, Merlin.” Then his expression grew more sober and he looked at the wolf with growing intensity. “You know, I not only have you to thank for saving my life, and that of my crew from the Scimitar, it’s because of you I met Cerise.” He took his mate’s hand unconsciously as he spoke. “I will never be able to thank you enough. I have a great debt that I owe you.”

  The wolf shook his head. “It’s what you and the others in the SPF do every day,” Merlin said. “And you all have pulled our tails out of the fire on more than one occasion. It’s us that owe you. You’ve already made us the offer, but I’ll return it in kind. If you ever need anything that’s within my ability, just let me know.”

  They were silent for a few moments before Elias spoke. “You know, moments like this are rather awkward because I don’t really know what to say.”

  “That’s easy,” Samantha said. “Don’t say anything. You two are already friends, and friends don’t always need to speak what they feel, do they?”

  “Samantha has a point,” Cerise said. “Just let things be as they are. Why muddy the waters with words?”

  Wolf and fox broke out laughing at the same time.

  “Our ladies are most pragmatic tonight, are they not?” Merlin said.

  “Indeed. I think we should simply say goodnight and retire for the evening.”

  Merlin nodded. “Safe journey, Elias.”

  “Fair winds, Merlin.”

  The females embraced with promises of keeping in touch, then two couples went their different ways, Merlin and Samantha into the hotel, and Elias and Cerise further along the beach.

  They walked down to the edge of the water and stood looking at the stars for a long while. In the distance came the rumble of a ship lifting from the starport, and on the horizon they saw what could have been a shooting star or another ship coming in.

  Cerise snuggled her way under Elias’s arm, and smiled as she felt him tighten his hold around her.

  “So, did you enjoy today?” the vixen asked quietly.

  Elias smiled and looked down at the petite female. “Very much so. Thank you. Today was wonderful.”

  “And did you like my new swimsuit?” she asked whimsically.

  Elias coughed slightly. “Oh, yes. You are absolutely stunning. I think young Tolly was also admiring you and Samantha today, as well.”

  “He was,” Cerise said nonchalantly. “He’ll have to find a girl of his own, though. Sam and I are very much spoken for,” she said and wrapped her arms around his waist under his shirt and rested her head against his chest.

  “I didn’t think that Merlin and Sam were married?”

  “Not yet, but it’ll happen. Trust me on this.”

  They held each other for a long time before Cerise pulled away, tugging on Elias’s hand. “C’mon!”

  “Where are we going?” the fox said, perplexed by this sudden burst of enthusiasm.

  “To fulfill a fantasy,” she told him with a giggle.

  Elias didn’t have a chance to reply as he followed his mate to a series of weather worn rocks that stuck up out of the sand about a quarter of a mile from the hotel. She pulled him behind the shelter of the largest and threw her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately.

  Elias, taken off guard, was slow to respond, but eventually returned the fervor his wife demonstrated.

  “What’s this about a fantasy?” he asked, his eyes closing in pleasure as she nuzzled his neck.

  “You’ve seen some of the covers on romance books, right?”

  “Um, yeah. But what does-“

  “You’ve seen the ones with couples frolicking on a beach?” she asked huskily.

  “Oh.” Then she pulled Elias down onto the sand still warm with the day’s sun.

  “Oh!” he exclaimed once more.


Unless otherwise noted, all material © Ted R. Blasingame. All rights reserved.