Return to the Library


— by Jeff Karamales

Chapter 13
Et Tu Brutus?


“Sofiya!” the voice of Victoria Skarbek called across the field.

Trying her best not to shudder at the shrill tone from the detestable woman, the vixen fixed a friendly expression on her muzzle and turned around, not at all happy about yet another delay on her way to the lesson that she’d been looking forward to attending. “Dobroho ranku,” she told Victoria in a neutral tone, though with the characteristic vibration in her voice, the human thought she was being exceedingly pleasant.

Trudging through the snow and trying to keep up were one of the video technicians and a sound coordinator. The cameraman was one of the men that had come with the journalist that Sofiya had disliked from the instant of their meeting. Dennis Foley struck her as an unstable individual, and often she found him looking at the Furs with undisguised malice. The girl that ran the sound equipment was nice enough, but extremely naive. The third member of the technical group was Robert Knowels, the young man that had given the Fur warning that things weren’t what they seemed with Victoria or most of her entourage.

The covert look he gave Sofiya immediately set her on guard.

“You are a hard lady to get a hold of!” Victoria declared in an exaggerated manner. “I was wondering if we could get another interview this morning. I’d love to get your perspective on some of the things that I’ve learned about the colony group.”

The Fur shrugged noncommittally. “If it can be done before the class I am on my way to.” Without waiting for an answer Sofiya resumed walking towards one of the buildings that was used for classes and lessons that were ill advised or too disruptive to conduct in the Clark Savage building. Or in this case where privacy was desired.

“Ah! What are we studying today?” the woman asked solicitously, trying to keep up with the anthrovixen. Despite Sofiya being shorter, her strides through the snow that had accumulated on the pathways were far more surefooted and Victoria struggled to keep up.

“Field medicine that is focused solely on Vulps physiology. Today is an important lesson.” The red fox saw the journalist’s immediate interest. “We are studying the birthing of children and what to be expecting when it comes time to start families.”

Victoria gave the other female one of her predatory smiles, pleased to have something that wasn’t common knowledge outside of the Fur and Anthro Human Colonization Project circles. “That could be very interesting, indeed! Especially as I have learned that there are going to be sixteen women and only twelve males. I think that it’s about time that we ladies were given a chance to show the rest of the world that we have the ability to run things as well as any man…probably even better!”

The sexist angle was one that Victoria had been playing upon her entire stay at the Institute and one that vexed the anthrofox greatly. “There is no contention of males against females while at colony,” Sofiya replied. “It is far too dangerous to play games when all are needed to be successful.” She was unable to contain the snort of derision that escaped. “All are equal and must respect each other or all will fail. Only a fool would think otherwise.”

Victoria bristled at the last and was unable to conceal her irritation, unaware that Sofiya saw her reaction, though the Fur hid her smile by feigning a yawn.

“But you can’t deny that gender-wise things will be a little uneven. “Don’t you think that will affect the group dynamics? Even just a little?” the journalist prodded.

“As long as all act with responsibility, what does it matter? All will need to be working hard to guarantee the survival of the colony. The crops will not care that they are planted by a male or a female. Likewise, the livestock will not worry about things if it is a male or female that brings it feed and fresh water. When it comes to hunting, the prey will not concern itself as to gender of the hunter.” Sofiya straightened her hair after slipping the hood of her parka back. Now that the transformation was complete, her blond tresses had grown back at a surprising pace. She put her paw-like hand on the handle of the door then paused. “Oh. I am sorry. Only Institute staff and those of us that are Furs are allowed inside. I do have free time after lunch until late this afternoon. I will try to find you then and we may be talking more,” she informed the reporter with false cheer before slipping inside the building.

With the bugging incident, Marcelo had started placing not just the Institute security personnel on greater watch, but the rest of the staff as well. The reporter and her team were no longer allowed into many of the classrooms and any Fur that wanted to avoid talking to the woman simply had to retreat to one of the many safe areas that had been established. After several incidents of roaming the Educational Wing with the cameras recording, Victoria had also been prohibited from conducting interviews when the Furs were in their rooms or even approaching them.

Sofiya nodded to Doctor Ramirez who was giving a quick lesson on Vulps birthing and what the ladies might expect to endure. No few of the males of the colony group were also in attendance as they’d already formed long term relationships and wanted to support the females they were with. Maria made a notation on her Personal Business Juxtapositioner. “Running a little behind, Sofiya,” the dark haired woman said with a smile to show she wasn’t admonishing the vixen.

“Small rat problem,” the red fox commented.

That had become the phrase to let another know that Miss Skarbek was about and warned the others to be on their guard. Sure enough, as soon as Sofiya removed her parka and hung it up she found one of the woman’s little listening devices stuck under the hood. She peeled it off and dropped in a small jug of water that had become standard in a great many of the rooms throughout the facility.

Doctor Ramirez simply shook her head in exasperation as the vixen made her way to a desk next to Richard Tavington, the silver fox taking her hand as soon as she was settled. “We’ll only have to put up with her for a more days,” he said with an apologetic expression.

“This I know,” Sofiya replied tiredly. “I just wish we could tie a rock to her neck and push her into the lake. It would be the solution to many, many irritations!”

Maria dimmed the lights and activated the large screen at the front of the room, the image that of a Vulps couple holding a small, blanket wrapped bundle. She stood to the side of the screen and gave the individuals in the classroom a wide smile while her dark eyes sparkled merrily in the illumination. “While no one is ordering you to do it, many of you may feel the time is right to start families when you reach Bastien. Of course the choice is yours to make whether the time is right or not. While you may have experience with human babies, Fur children are more than a little different. Here are some of the things that you should expect when you decide to have kits of your own…” 


“That was certainly…educational,” Richard commented as he and Sofiya left the classroom a few hours later. “The technical terms certainly took a lot of the romance out of it all.”

“This is most important to know,” Sofiya said as she walked hand-in-hand with the male. “It will be odd to have a figure again, though,” the vixen commented wryly as she looked down at her chest.

All around them the other Vulps also digested what they had learned, many of the females looking thoughtful while most of the males appeared to be slightly horrified at the very graphic pictures and videos they’d just seen. One of the few exceptions to that was the pairing of Daniel Holt and Maria Paccini who were both smiling dreamily at each other and had their arms around the other’s waist.

Richard pulled Sofiya a little closer and bumped shoulders with her in a bit of love play that the vixen seemed to enjoy so much before pulling her closer. “So, do we hazard the cafeteria, or do we go to our room for lunch?”

“Cafeteria,” the vixen replied. “After the past few days I am a little tired and do not wish to be cooking and doing dishes.” Her stomach growled slightly and she chuckled. “And I have no patience to be waiting for food. Your vixen is hungry now and wanting something tasty!”

“Then your wish is my command!” the silver fox said, pausing only long enough to pick the vixen up, toss her over his shoulder and head for the cafeteria at a lope while Sofiya squealed in surprise then laughter.

It only took a few minutes to get to the cafeteria and once inside the warmth of the building both foxes shucked their parkas and made their way through the line, each getting cups for something hot to drink and bowls of the chicken soup that seemed so popular during the cold weather. Sofiya led the way to a table that was near the windows and sat down, not even getting a chance to put a little bag of Earl Grey tea in her mug before an incident outside caught her attention.

Pozashlyubnyy suchyy syn!´ she exclaimed before jumping up so quickly that it almost upset the table and sloshed soup and hot water over her tray and on the floor.

Richard glanced at the movement outside the window for the briefest moment before following the vixen through the dining area and back down the entrance hall.

Outside the window Rob was being thoroughly thrashed by one of the other video technicians, the larger man, Dennis Foley, having already bloodied the other’s nose and split his lips. Before anyone could stop him he picked the smaller youth up by the front of his jacket and landed two more blows. As he screamed into the smaller man’s face, flecks of spittle flying from his lips, his words were easily heard through the thick panes of glass.

“All of it!” the older man bellowed angrily. “You erased all of it! All the video…all the audio! ALL OF IT! You little backstabbing weasel! I’ll kill you!” Even as he yelled at the dazed Robert, his arm shot forward twice more, rocking the younger’s head back with each strike.

Before a third blow could land, Sofiya made it outside and launched herself at the larger man, using velocity to overcome her small mass, driving both humans into the snow. While Dennis got up, sputtering curses, Robert lay in the snow unmoving. With the sneak attack, the larger man turned his anger on the anthrovixen. She dropped to all fours over the body of the younger human, standing protectively before him, her teeth bared and a low growl issuing from her throat.

“Have you lost your mind?” Dennis bellowed at Sofiya. “You want some of this, you freak? A stinkin’ abomination is what you are! I’ll show you!”

The man took a single step towards the red fox before the sound of another growl behind him froze him in his tracks, his arm still raised and ready to strike. As Dennis turned his head, he found Richard ready to attack, not quite on all fours but set more like a football lineman ready to charge, his teeth also exposed and a dangerous look to his bronze eyes. Behind the silver fox were other Furs. Arrayed so there could be no escape were wolves, dogs, bears, several foxes and different cats, all angry, all ready to assist one of their own.

The situation became almost like a standoff from a movie as the man realized he was sorely outnumbered but too stunned to lower his arm while the various anthro-beings waited for something to happen which would give them leave to fall upon the human bigot.

“Stand down!” Marcelo yelled as he hustled down the path, having left his office so quickly that he hadn’t even had time to grab his coat. Even as the Director shuffled through the snow Institute guards came running from all corners of the facility. “I said STAND DOWN!” he screamed again.

All of the Furs save Richard and Sofiya who still maintained a protective stance over the unconscious young man while the male was ready to defend his partner, relaxed slightly.

“Martin! Vincent!” Marcelo hollered. “Take him into custody! Put him in isolation cell three. When you’re done with that, gather up the rest of them and put them in holding! This ends NOW!”

As the two guards hustled to do as ordered Marcelo stepped to the vixen. “Sofiya?” he said in a soft but firm voice, knowing that her blood was flooded with adrenaline and the fight-or-flight instincts within her mind and body were set to fight. “I need to look at Mister Knowels. I need to see if Robert’s okay.”

Only when Dennis was securely cuffed and being led away did the anthrovixen fully relax, spinning almost in place and dropping next to the beaten youth. “He was discovered erasing the recordings,” she said by way of explanation as Richard knelt down next to the female. “He did as promised, Marcelo. We must help him.”

“We will, Sofiya,” Delgado told her quietly, not liking the condition the younger man was in and touched two fingers to Rob’s neck to feel for a pulse. “I promise we will.” He looked around for a moment before pulling out his own PBJ. The message was short and quick, and the sound as he snapped the dual screen device closed seemed overly loud in the near silence as the foxes regarded their friend and the other Furs watched them. “Richard, go get my cart and a litter. There’s a stretcher in the closet by the entrance to my office. Bring me my coat, too. Gabriel and Donald will meet us in the Hospital Wing. Now hurry!” He turned to the other Furs. “Someone bring me a couple of parkas! We need to get him warm! Now!”

Ignoring his own shivering, Marcelo hoped that the damage was superficial, both thankful for and hating the cold. It would keep the damaged areas from swelling too badly, but it could also throw the boy into shock. Looking up at the vixen he knew that this was rather traumatizing to her, especially considering her past, which she had told the Director about. With an expression he hoped was reassuring, he put a hand on her shoulder.

“We’ll make this right, Sofiya.”


Gabriel Aristotle stepped out into the hallway from the emergency surgery theater and tugged at the neck of his scrubs. At the man’s emergence, Marcelo, Richard and Sofiya stood, the vixen holding onto the shoulders of Charlotte Bujold who’d been spending time with the young man.

Aristotle waved the others down. “He’ll be fine. Slight concussion and he’ll be black and blue for a while, but there’s nothing major. MRI and ultrasounds are clear. He just looks, appropriately, as if he’s just had the ever loving tar whipped out of him.”

“May I see him?” Charlotte inquired with a desperate tone as she scrubbed at her eyes.

“Let Doctor Renwick finish putting the sutures in and you can,” Aristotle informed the red fox. He turned to Marcelo. “Are we done with this charade now?”

The Director nodded. “All the rest of Victoria Skarbek’s people have been taken to the holding cells. Copies of her activities and young Mister Knowels’ affidavit have been signed with copies sent to Stockholm. We’re just waiting for the proper law enforcement agency to come pick them up.”

“Good,” Gabriel huffed. “That woman was turning this into her own private circus.” The Doctor tugged on his scrubs again and turned to head back to the Canis Wing. “Maybe we can get back to work, now,” he growled to himself, though it was clearly heard by the others.

No sooner did Donald Renwick exit the surgery theater then Charlotte rushed inside. The brunette Fur had grown rather fond of the human and had been beside herself with worry and anxiety since hearing about the incident.

“He’ll be sore for a few weeks, and will look even worse, but apart from a little scarring I don’t see any lasting problems,” the Felis physician told the Director. “I just can’t believe that this amount of damage was done with fists. It looks more like he was beaten with a club and a rock.”

“If you’d met the guy that did it, you’d understand,” Richard snorted. “The guy’s definitely a throwback to caveman days.”

Marcelo opened his mouth to reply when his PBJ chimed. It only took a moment to read the message, his face hardening with grim satisfaction. “All of that is now moot.” He looked at the Felis Wing Doctor. “Thank you again, Donald.” Marcelo turned to the two Vulps. “You two come with me. Victoria Skarbek is about to have an incredibly bad day and I think you two will want to see this. You’ve earned it.”


Unless otherwise noted, all material © Ted R. Blasingame. All rights reserved.